Sir Goss was built at the now relocated Tucktonia works in 1981 as a varient to the tinkerbell
idea. Built by Jim Goss it is obvious to see where her/his name originates from. The engine has been
modified over the years including a change of valve gear (Hackworth to Walschart)and smoke box to name a few (see the pictures above). she started life as a
marine firbox engine and was converted by her builder to the more conventional stephenson style boiler to improve
the steaming facilities.
Jim enjoyed visiting many railways with Sir Goss and I can only list a few here including Guildford, Swanley and Eastleigh.
although her spiritual home was the Moors Valley Railway in Dorset (the badge was worn by the engine up until late 2003).
In 2001 a new dawn occured for one of the 7 1/4" most travelled and well known engines, when her builder and owner decided to sell the
engine to a new home. A quick chat with Jim and a bit of cash and Sir Goss arrived at Swanley for the 3rd time in 21 years but this time
to stay. to celebrate this engines 21 year mile stone the SNBR held a Narrow Gauge weekend on the 31st August to the 1st September 2002.
Plus Sir Goss went site seeing again to a few railways.
The Start of the Sir Goss Birthday Celebraions:
To mark the milestone for this well travelled and muchloved engine, Sir Goss started
its Birthday celebrations with a trip to its old home of Moors Valley, what a fitting
place to start the celebrations. After running some heavy freight trains, Sir goss was
put into passenger service and worked well throughout the day apart from driver stupidity
on the first trip. Sir Goss on a freight train while at the MVR
next stop was Holcombe for the railway weekend on Sunday 23/6/02. Sir Goss was
accompanied on this visit by the SNBR's 5" engine (OK well it is privately owned by
the webmaster but she only goes out with SNBR engines!!!). Sir Goss ran the second train
using borrowed SNBR coaches. The sight of two trains working on Holycombes little railway
drew some nice comments. With the route also passing the 5" line, the little electric got some
strange looks as it raced Sir Goss round the bottom corner. Sir Goss on a passenger train at Holycombe
The final excursion of the year was agian back to the Moors Valley Railway for
the famous Tinkerbell weekend. Where on the Saturday the "Swanley 4" were delighted
to come to the aid of the "driverless" MVR and managed to have running Tinkerbell, Talos and
of course Sir Goss. Sir Goss rekindled some of her old jaunts and even managed a
flying run on the Sunday despite the "heavy" traffic.
Sir Goss finished her birthday year wandering around swanley pulling Families to see Santa. Not a bad way to end her 21st Birthday.
As a belated birthday present, her builders son came to see her at Easter 2003. Storys of
the engines tricks habbits and life were exchanged.